
BIoT Wallet have internal applications. With the help of this API you can develop your own applications.


const core = require('biot-core');
const eventBus = require('ocore/event_bus');

let timers = {};
let n = {};

(async () => {
	await core.init('test');
	eventBus.on('paired', (from_address) => {
		core.sendTechMessageToDevice(from_address, {type: 'imapp'});

	eventBus.on('object', async (from_address, object) => {
		if ( === 'BIoT') {
			if (object.type === 'hello') {
				n[from_address] = 0;
				core.sendTechMessageToDevice(from_address, {
					type: 'render', page: 'start', form: [
						{type: 'h2', id: 'n', title: 0}
				timers[from_address] = setInterval(() => {
					core.sendTechMessageToDevice(from_address, {
						type: 'update', id: 'n', value: {type: 'h2', title: n[from_address], id: 'n'}
				}, 1000);
			} else if (object.type === 'close') {
				console.error('close', from_address);
				delete timers[from_address];
				delete n[from_address];

f.type === 'input'

Using to display the html block <input>, using with title, id, required.


{type: 'input', title: 'Name', id: 'name', required: true}

f.type === 'address'

Creates a link, by clicking on which the address is going to be selected. Example: {type: 'address', required: true, title: 'Select wallet for address', id: 'address'}

f.type === 'blank_line'

Using to create a blank line by displaying the html block. <div><br/></div>

f.type === 'submit'

Using to create a button when clicking on which sends the completed data to the server.


{ type: 'render', page: 'index', form: [ {type: 'input', title: 'Name', id: 'name', required: true}, {type: 'input', title: 'Last Name', id: 'lname', required: true}, {type: 'input', title: 'Age', id: 'age', required: true}, {type: 'address', required: true, title: 'Select wallet for address', id: 'address'}, {type: 'blank_line'}, {type: 'submit', title: 'Send'} ] }

f.type === 'h2'

Using to display the html block <h2> </h2>, where “title” is what you want to display.


{type: 'h2', title: 'You attested'}

f.type === 'h3'

Using to display the html block <h2> </h2>, where “title” is what you want to display.


{type: 'h3', title: 'Scan RFID to start'}

f.type === 'text'

Using to display text, where “title” is what you want to display.


{type: 'text',title: (openChannels[from_address].myAmount - 1) + '/1000 bytes',id: 'balanceChannel'}

f.type === 'request'

Using for sending small data.


{type: 'request', title: 'Close channel', req: 'close_channel'}

f.type === 'list-menu'

Using for sending small data.


{type: 'list-menu', title: 'Switch on red light', req: 'switch_red'}

object.type === 'render'

Using to render the page. Required along with page and form. Where “page” is the name of the page and “form” is what needs to be displayed.


{ type: 'render', page: 'attested', form: [ {type: 'h2', title: 'You attested'} ] }

object.type === 'addProfile'

Using to save profile data: my_address - address of attestor, your_address - your addres, unit - profile publication unit, profile - profile object


{ type: 'addProfile', my_address: res.address, your_address: object.response.address, unit: res.objJoint.unit.unit, profile: res.src_profile }

object.type === 'alert'

Using to display an error through alert. Where “message” is the error text.

Example: {type: 'alert', message: 'Error'}

object.type === 'update'

Using to update existing data. id - id of replacement data value - which element will be inserted there with the corresponding parameters


{ type: 'update', id: 'balanceChannel', value: { type: 'text', title: (channel.myAmount - 1) + '/1000 bytes', id: 'balanceChannel' } }

Last updated