
Sending text message to device address


device_address - {string} - Device address

text - {string} - Message text

core.sendTextMessageToDevice('0PZT5VOY5AINZKW2SJ3Z7O4IDQNKPV364', 'Hello!')

Sending tech message to device address


device_address - {string} - Device address

object - {object} - Message object

core.sendTechMessageToDevice('0PZT5VOY5AINZKW2SJ3Z7O4IDQNKPV364', {test: 'Hello!'})

How to use?

const eventBus = require('byteballcore/event_bus');

eventBus.on('text', (from_address, text) => {
	let objMessage;
	try {
		objMessage = JSON.parse(text);
		if ( || objMessage.version) objMessage = null;
	} catch (e) {
	if (objMessage) {
		// this is tech
	} else {
		// this is text

In the near future, "tech" will have a separate handler

Last updated